
Friday 10 March 2017

BRICS Project

The BRICS Project provides comprehensive insight and strategic analysis of youth culture and consumer behavior for international brands


mission is to provide a long-term,multimedia and digitally empowered insight and understanding.
Project also seeks contribute to sustainable consumer behaviours through case-study and accentuating low impact consumption initiatives.

Members countries:

  3. INDIA
  4. CHINA


  • Originally the first four were the grouped as "BRIC', before the controversial addition of South Africa.
  • All members are leading developing or newly industrialised countries.
  • All are G-20 members
  • BRICS countries represent over 3 billion people, or 42% of the world population; all five are in top 25 of the world population.
  • BRICS countries have significantly slowed down with South Africa only growing 1% in 2015 similar to the 1.6% a year from 1994 to 2009.
  • Brazil in its worth recession since the 1930's by some measures like unemployment, infection rising, corruption increase Russia in a secession as oil price tailspin and sanctions weight, and china's slowdown in set to be a drag on global growth
  • the five nations have combined nominal GDP of US$ 16.039 trillion, approx equal to 20% of the Gross world product, and US$ 4 billion in combined foreign reserves.
  • Bilateral relations have conducted mainly on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 


              Year                                  Host Countries
  1.  2009                          Yekaterinburg(RUSSIA)
  2.  2010                           Brasilia(BRAZIL)
  3.  2011                           Sanya(CHINA)
  4.  2012                           New Delhi(INDIA)
  5.  2013                                         Durban(South Africa)
  6.  2014                                         Fortaleza(BRAZIL)
  7.  2015                                         Ufa(RUSSIA)
  8.  2017                                         Goa(INDIA)

Financial Structure:

  1. NDB(New Developing Bank)
  2. CRA(Contingent Reserve Bank)
Both of these components were signed into treaty in 2014 and become active in 2015.

External Links: 

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